Reconnect with yourself, from wherever you are.

We rescript everyone's wellness stories!


Determined individuals who discovered through their personal journeys that Indian wellness practices and psychology complement each other in improving our mental health and transforming our way of living, seeded the idea for Anyo together.

Our goal is to move the needle to the highest level in improving the quality of living of people and accelerate their wellness levels using technology for good.

The foremost beginning was when Anyo's founder Vamshi Vasudevan recognized the thoughts which were potentially deterring her progress. She then took to yoga and later connected with a life coach - accessing a combination of psychology, self-discipline and a wisdom-based practice. Eventually Vamshi discovered how the path cannot be carved using a singular source of knowledge. A collective approach that is built over proven science alongside harnessing our cultural wisdom can uplift our wellbeing at the pace that the world demands today.

Each person on our team has had personal experiences that stand proof to this thought process. Be it combining psychological expertise with knowledge of Ayurveda or drawing mandalas while going through counseling therapy, each one of us have benefited from an alchemical approach.

One insight which we arrived at through our initial surveys was how people are either hesitant to seek help for their mental and emotional wellness due to stigma or they settle with information on social media, which is largely unverified and under-curated. This can be unhealthy at an individual level, eventually leading to burnout, chronic stress and an inability to handle life's challenges everyday. The challenge of scale when it comes to availability of mental health professionals or coaches to match the demand from individuals who seek support is also becoming evident. To address this, we are building Anyo as a mobile-first platform that operates at the nexus of technology (Artificial Intelligence - AI for good), positive psychology and personalised wellness content.

As a team, we believe firmly in one thing - A flourishing wellness state - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually is a result of focusing on our inner world everyday, supported by well-informed solutions and routines. We are building Anyo to help every user experience the best state of well-being with a combination of tools, practices and understanding of themselves, in a personalized and engaging way.

It’s a match! We love and trust you as much as you do!

Our Journey & Milestones



Registered as Rescript Welltech Pvt Ltd



Launched the anyo logo and mascot



Mobile app development in full swing



First round of angel funding raised



Launched the product

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